I'm Anastasia Kalenik and I'm Visual Designer
I can create a convenient and selling interface design for your information product!
I can create a convenient and selling interface design for your information product!
UI/UX Design
Graphic Design
2D Illustration
I have 2+ years of experience in the field of design.
Areas I am interested in are the creation of mobile applications and games, as well as 2D illustrations. I am currently open to new collaborations and projects.
In my work I pursue such goals as: exploring viable solutions for designing a product, which reflect its meaning and functions as much as possible, and executing the task in the form required by the goal.
Ihave a pragmatic attitude towards time management and task completion within the framework of the stated requirements.
In case of exclusively creative case, I am ready to work without a specific technical task. At the same time, I appreciate the ability to competently build a dialogue to fully understand project goals and tasks.
You are very welcome to take a look at my projects! You can always contact me in any convenient for you way once you are ready to get started.